Random facts & Twelfth Night

You’ve seen the game where people are asked to tell 10, 15, 25 random things about themselves that no one could know.  They are encouraged to be surprising and revealing.

Okay, so today is Random Fact day. I challenge you to list 3 things about yourself that no one could know or would ever guess.  Yes, you can do this. We might laugh a little but not AT you.  And we will never criticize here. Everyone play nice, share and – oh yes – remember to keep it clean please.

Now about me….

  • I have a 1954 Tell-A-Tale book of Twas the Night Before Christmas that must be read every Christmas eve. Aloud.
  • I used to watch Romper Room and Captain Kangaroo. In black & white. I can still sing “I’m a little teapot…”
  • I really dislike dill.

Finally, tonight I wish you a very happy Twelfth Night. For those of you not familiar, Twelfth Night is traditionally the end of the 12 days of Christmas, on the eve of Epiphany, the end of Christmas merrymaking.  In Medieval times, 12th Night marked the end of winter festivals which actually began on All Hallow’s Eve (Halloween).  And in some countries, and in the Catholic religion worldwide, the Twelfth Night and Epiphany marks the start of Carnival season, which lasts through Mardi Gras day.

For me, 12th night is the last day of Christmas, the end of the holiday season.  In Colonial times, the edible wreath was removed from the front door and either eaten for good luck (just a bite) or thrown against a wall for surprises inside (a penny, a bean, a thimble or spool).  This was the last gift of the season.

Since it is considered unlucky to leave decorations up after tonight, I must admit to suffering bad luck. But tomorrow the task of taking down begins.

I leave you with this quote from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night (a fav): “Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them”. – Act II, Scene V

To writers everywhere, we will achieve! May the gifts of your year be many and the feasts of your table, great. Huzzah!