Here’s Your Giveaway!


Photos of this MONSTER Giveaway posted 03/30. Have some fun with this! Winners will be announced on 04/16 and packages to be mailed immediately after confirming addresses with winners.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can also click “Giveaway” on my Facebook Author Page and enter from there.

Spread the word! Tweet, Share, Reblog, Whisper, Phone a Friend.
Good Luck all!

And let’s celebrate National Poetry Month with actual poetry!


Ready for a Monster Giveaway?


In just two days it will be National Poetry Month!  I thought it was time to do a really HUGE giveaway to celebrate poetry and to show my appreciation for the support I’ve had along the way.

So on April 1, I will list an official Rafflecopter giveaway with two big prizes. The first picture is of the Monster of all Giveaways:

major goodie bag!

major goodie bag!

This above giveaway is special because it includes the rarely seen book,  I Wish You Joy, in hardback, and all kinds of cool goodies.

The second part of the giveaway is good, with just a little less offered. Here:

a mini monster goodie bag

a mini monster goodie bag

The total retail value of the combined giveaways with shipping is over $200!

If you don’t win either of these goodie bags, don’t despair. There will be yet more contests. You’ll be able to hit up Goodreads for a softbound copy of Paper Bones or By Light Betrayed (to be announced soon). And one more! Before the end of the month I will give away some ebook copies too. The other contests will be announced later.

April is National Poetry Month! Let’s read some poetry together. And if you don’t win anything this go ’round, consider buying my poetry or another Indie’s anyway. Your support of Indie authors like me is tremendously appreciated and very necessary!

Now, get ready for your giveaway starting on Wednesday, April 1 (no, that is not a joke)!

Oh — and I’m sorry, this monster giveaway is for US folks only (because of the size of each prize).

Get ahead of the game by following this blog or my Twitter or Facebook Author page. Spread the word, please! Good Luck!


Just a note to say yesterday was my birthday.  I was pampered and stuffed with good food, good company and plenty of love and laughter. Even my sister called (I almost never hear from her), so that was extra nice.  And I didn’t write a word yesterday. And it was good.  No matter how hard you work at your craft, or how desperate you are to publish, remember that if you forget to enjoy your life, it really won’t matter how prolific you are.

Yours Between the Lines, always,

I’m nervous; it’s my first time.

Did that get your attention? How’s that for an opening line? Teasing, tantalizing, enticing, maybe a little salacious? Well, relax. Those were the words I said to the author next to me at Book ‘Em North Carolina 2015 Writers’ Conference and Book Fair this past Saturday. What I was admitting to was Book ‘Em North Carolina was my first ever book conference and I was nervous because I was also sitting on a panel called Books with a Social Conscience. And I may have been nervous, but excited and happy, too!

Book ‘Em is a one day event held every year during the last weekend of February. This year over 80 authors gathered to present their written works, meet other authors and greet readers. It was a very cool schmooze-fest.” People strolled by and asked questions about your books. They picked up some of your “swag” (if you had any like bookmarks, pens, buttons, etc.) and if they wanted a book, they picked one up, you signed it for them and they paid when they left the show. The wonderful thing about Book ‘Em is that authors agree to give 40% (or more) of the price of their book to the “cause” which are a variety of very worthwhile literacy campaigns. I’m a big supporter of those, so I was delighted to sign up for this.

As I said, this was my first event, ever. Therefore, I was uncertain how many books to bring, how much swag I would need (everyone has different stuff), how to decorate my table. But I checked out pictures from last year’s event, and came up with my look. I was showing my two books of poetry, but some authors had 8, 15, or even 25 books!

my author table

my author table

While there, I introduced myself to the authors next to me on both sides. Linda Vigen Phillips, author of the traditionally published and highly acclaimed non-fiction novel, Crazy (which I purchased), brought her computer to play her book trailer. I forgot about bringing my portable DVD player. It would have been very cool to run my trailer for By Light Betrayed (next time. Thanks, Linda!).  Very cool idea because a sharp trailer can draw a crowd and entice others to buy right there on the spot. Lesson learned for next year!

Linda's author table

Linda’s author table

On the other side of me, Gretchen Griffith was showing at least four books, both self-published and traditionally published. I bought her Wheels and Moonshine, an award-winning historical non-fiction biography. She brought two other historical non-fiction novels but also had an illustrated children’s picture book.

Gretchen's author table

Gretchen’s author table

Linda and Gretchen sat on a panel together (the hour before my panel) and discussed writing memoirs. Panels give general information and allow questions from writers and guests in all levels of expertise and experience. Sort of gave me some idea of what to expect when my panel came along.

Writing Memoirs

Writing Memoirs

My panel had five members but two panelists didn’t make it. So there I was with bestselling authors Dr. Patrice Carter and E. Marie Sanders. Dr. Carter writes spiritual self-healing and Ms. Sanders writes Christian Romantic Fiction. We three talked about our writing and how it provided a societal “conscience,” or if indeed it did. We spoke about moral and social obligations and how we see our role as writers. It was a surprisingly dynamic topic. Our audience was small but intimate and the questions were intriguing.

Books with a Social Conscience

Books with a Social Conscience

I met others during the day that brought smiles. A mutual acquaintance (friend of my best friend) popped by my table and I returned the favor. Book sharing goes on everywhere, but no one expects anyone to give them a book. Afterall, we are there to make a donation to the cause, right? So this was my meeting with multi book author H.V. Purvis. I purchased his newer book, Death in a Small Town.

H.V. Purvis and me

H.V. Purvis and me

And I have to mention the fabulous author on the other side of Linda, Jan McCanless. I bought her Tire Patch Cookies are Good For the Soul. Jan described herself as a little like Irma Bombeck, only prettier. Jan’s the author of the Beryl’s Cove Mysteries, seven of them so far. She claims that she writes “happy murders.”  And her focus is a presentation with humor. The book I bought is her second compilation of her newspaper and magazine articles.

Jan's author table

Jan’s author table

And before I go, I need to say I had to stop by and pick up Scott Mason’s book, Tar Heel Traveler. You’ve probably seen Scott on TV if you live in the tri-state area. He’s the reporter for WRAL’s Tar Heel Traveler show, with over 100 journalism awards, 14 regional Emmys and three National Edward R. Murrow Awards. Yup, that Scott Mason. And such a warm and sweet guy he was, too!

Next to his table was another very popular and best-selling author Christie Silvers, author of the Amazon best-selling Liz Baker series. I bought book one (I had seen book four on Amazon and admired the cover, so I had to buy the first volume and get her to sign it). And need I tell you that the book, Time for Death, is a vampire tale? Oh yes. But wait! Guess what she did! After I bought her book, she sent two folks to see me to pick up a little vampire poetry. Was I surprised!? So my first two sales of By Light Betrayed were because of Christie. Blown. Away. She was amazing. And me a stranger.

my Book 'Em purchases

my Book ‘Em purchases

The whole day was  extra special because I had my husband there to share it all (he’s never seen me “be the author me” like this, so this was a first for him too). My first conference experience was positive and invaluable and I’m ready to get back to writing and to go to the next event that I can, soon as I can. I like making contact with the people. And what they will tell you is priceless.

Linda, Gretchen and me

Linda, Gretchen and me

Everyone has to have a first time. My first time was delightful, informative, rewarding. As every first time should be, right?

Next time, I have ideas for my table and more books to write!

If you have questions about preparing for your book fair, drop me a note via the Contact Me page and I’ll be happy to answer them.


Before I go, I want to wish everyone a belated Happy Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year and Valentine Day and Chinese New Year.

But don’t think I’m going to let all you leprechauns get away. I’m sticking around. More on the search for the pot o’ gold next time!

Vanity? Thy name is NOT “Writer”

Today was the beginning of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)! That means for the next 30 days I will pursue, with single-mindedness, a goal of 50,000 words and the completion of a book. Or something passing for a book, anyway.

Now, to achieve this, some sacrifices will be made. Friends and family will understand if I don’t chat as much, text as much, email, call or otherwise am seen beyond the library and coffee houses or wherever my computer and I happen to plant ourselves.

But mostly, I have to tell you, I’ve discovered a little known fact about NaNoWriMo and the writers – the WriMos. We are not vain. Nope, there’s not a whit of vanity hovering about us. Know how I know?

Take a look at the writer in the coffeehouse. Massed over the hair is a pair of headphones. Music and noise cancelling are more important than the latest coiffure. If no headphones, then a headband to hold the hair back so the earphones are unobstructed. And in many cases, the writer sports a ball cap. Oh not to go all Greta Garbo (we wish we had such fame)! No, this is to shade our eyes from the ugly florescent lights so that we might focus on the shiny computer screen or, in some cases, to take the glare off the writing tablet (you know the one with paper, right?).

So here we have the headphones and ball cap — Voila! Hat hair. Maybe that hat is also hiding something else…the dry skin from either the dry air of the coffee shops or the air conditioner or the heat. Writers invest heavily in moisturizers because, well, we need them! But it doesn’t diminish the fact that we have “computer skin.” That’s why we try to write outside when we can but there again is the hat, ball cap, or we end up in the shade…ah, moisturizer.

Next, let’s examine what else the writer must sacrifice for the craft. How about the cold fingers or arms. Yes those busy fingers must be kept warm and those lower arms must not suffer in the drafts. So you’ll see fingerless gloves and arm warmers. Not the most attractive things but ask the writer who feels relief if he or she cares?? The arm warmers are a lot like leg warmers of the 70’s. Oh, wait…those pesky leg warmers ARE BACK! You’ll see writers wearing those too. Even ugly UGGs. Yup, a writer will place comfort and warmth above all sense of style.

Finally, the writer who finds a comfortable corner at home in front of the fireplace will most likely be in sweats or jammies, and the fuzziest of slippers or mules or socks. Yes, comfort. The long hours in early mornings or late nights require that thinking of cold or uncomfortable body part not be a distraction. Terrycloth robes, ratty sweaters, all are included in the “I’m too comfortable for my shoes” writer.

And then let’s consider nails. Now, I’m not going to tell you that all writers have short nails because they don’t. But I will tell you that serious typists keep their nails short and don’t’ worry about whether or not their polish is the trending shade. Not for next 30 days anyway. Nope, those nails are going to be short so the fingers (in the fingerless gloves) can hit those typewriter keys with wild abandon! Long nails make me miss the keys and are a blooming nuisance!

Let us not forget diet. Ah WriMos have to have their inspiration. Chocolate, cookies, chips, gum, chocolate (did I say that?), coffee, coffee, coffee. Tea, water, coffee. You get the idea. Things that taste good, are quick and easy and some thing that we can reach for in the drawer. And then there is wine, and some prefer that glass of whiskey or scotch and we know what alcohol does to you (why moisturizer is important!). WriMos have to have their snacks. These sustain us in the tense word count moments. Not good nutrition but who’s worried about that right now?

Hair, skin, warmth, comfort, nails. clothes…all are sacrificed for the goal of 50,000 in 30 days.


Here’s to Armani, Valentino, Donna Karen, Louis Louboutin, Bob Mackie and all the other famous designers dressing people around the world who do care about how they look and how tight their Spanx are. Bravo to them all. Just remember, none of them are doing 50,000 words.

And if they are doing it in designer duds, then they probably don’t care if they complete the goal or not. They can afford to be vain. And hey, after all that who gives a crap what you look like?? You’ve written a book!

But we writers on the street….let’s see…that’s 688 words and counting…pass the hot coffee and the blankie, on your way out, won’t you? I need to heat my mac and cheese and then I’ve got a chapter to finish.

Oh and hey, I’m not saying that the NaNoWriMo writers don’t care about being presentable.

Just don’t bother them – me – with such trivia for the next 29 days. Pass the chocolate.

Cover, Peeks, Books, oh my!

Did you catch the big cover reveal yesterday of my new book? Yes, yesterday I posted on my Facebook Author page a nice large picture of the new book cover, By Light Betrayed, Poetry of the Vampires. For those of you not on Facebook, here’s a link so you can peek. Pretty snappy, no? I also put it on my Facebook and Twitter covers. Nothing like a little overkill on publicity, right?

The new book presents dark poetry from the vampires, COLOR photographs by me and includes a very special treat: An excerpt from my upcoming vampire novella, Midnight Assassin, due out next summer (if not earlier). This will be my last book of poetry, and it is totally different from Paper Bones (for those of you who so kindly read it) because it ventures into fantasy, exploring the more gothic and macabre side of the night. Ready to be chilled, thrilled and seduced? Then you will like By Light Betrayed.

For anyone who has been checking in here, I posted a poem from the new book a couple weeks ago. You can see it in Sneak Peeks, but hurry. It is going to disappear soon!

I’ll keep you posted on the day you can order, but it will only be a couple weeks, so great ready!


Yesterday’s #MondayBlogs post about Self-Publishing bears the Bar Sinister has been generating wonderful feedback. Thank you to those of you sending me contact messages and on Facebook. I am grateful for your readership and support. Together we will help uplift the quality of the Indie author.


Some personal news: Do you participate in National Novel Writing Month every November? It is coming closer and time now to prepare. Well I’m a Municipal Liaison for the Charlotte, NC region(one of two) and I’ll be on the forums. If you are in NC or just a part of NaNo, I hope you’ll say hi. You can find me as “poetphoenix.” I’d love to hear from you and I’ll be happy to help you achieve that book goal if I can!


Currently, I’m reading Hidden by Benedict Jacka. I hope you have a good book on the table, a cuppa Joe or a huge mug of tea, a comfy chair and silence to read your favorite author’s latest creation. OH but don’t forget to buy the latest books by some Indie authors that you follow on Twitter or Facebook, too!  Do it because that’s how you support the author. Encourage them to do the same (and maybe they’ll pick up your book, too). Read, support, write, repeat.


Don’t forget to check in to the End the Silence campaign. The contributing women have wonderful stories to tell and offer interesting perspectives. They would welcome your comments.


Thanks for stopping by. Let me hear what you think about the new book cover! And let me hear from you when you publish, too. I support Indies.

As always I remain, yours between the lines!

Honorable Mention for Paper Bones!

Good morning to you all!

Previously Paper Bones was a Finalist in the Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards. Six finalists were chosen in the General Poetry category from 1900 entries. I could not have been prouder of this achievement! Then we waited for the final judging to take place and the announcement of the award-winners. That announcement came on Sept 1.

I am pleased to tell you that Paper Bones is the Honorable Mention award winner!


A gold, silver, bronze, and honorable mention awards were announced. The other two finalists in the category will remain as finalists (which is an award in itself, by the way).

Again, I’m proud but humbled at the success of Paper Bones. I hope these accolades will nudge some of you to give the book a try!


If you haven’t browsed around my newly designed blog, please check out the weeded, and great improved, set of Links. The writers, artists, and authors I’ve listed are fun and immensely talented. Plus, links open in new windows, so you don’t have to leave here.

Then pop up above for a sneak peek at new work before you cruise over to the Books tab and click to make a purchase if so inclined. I appreciate your support (and part of all purchases to I Wish You Joy goes to the American Heart Association).

Finally, look for a BIG surprise next week! That’s your cliffhanger. Now go and spread the word. Someone’s coming….

As always, I remain, yours between the lines!

Every Writer Uses Them

“‘Tis now the very witching time of night,
When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out
Contagion to this world.”
~William Shakespeare

Moonlight by Sherry (C) 2014 All Rights Reserved

Moonlight by Sherry
(C) 2014 All Rights Reserved

Ah, what is a hint?

An intimation or allusion? Could it be a mention, a whiff, a shadow or a whisper? Perhaps it might be described as a foreshadowing?

Too menacing? Perhaps not…

Isn’t a shadow also a hint, a foretelling, of what is about to emerge?

Hints can be enticing, seductive, compelling, evocative, dreamy.

Maddening. Delightful. Full of promise. Yes, that’s it. Fun. Even better.



Every writer uses them.  Why shouldn’t I? Enjoy!

Paper Bones wins Gold!

The 2014 Global Ebook Awards announced their winners early this morning and I am delighted to announce that Paper Bones is a Gold Medalist in Poetry! I am completely amazed, as I hoped to “place” but truly did not expect the win. This comes as a most welcome surprise. Here is my virtual “sticker.”

gold medal

Click here for a complete list of winners!

Do book awards matter? I have to tell you the answer is a resounding YES. Book publicists, literary agents, publishers, librarians, book bloggers, and more will tell you that when a book wins an award, the odds are significantly increased that your readership will increase. People who might not look at your book under normal circumstances are more intrigued when a book wins an award. The more awards, the more interesting.

I’ve heard it said to me, too. “This award convinces me that I need to read your book sooner rather than later.” And, “I didn’t know you had a book until I saw the press release for the NIEA awards! I ordered it right away.”

So, if you are wondering if you should, then yes, you should! There are some reputable awards that most authors recognize. Here is a great list that you should consider. One thing though. You do have to pay. You are paying for quality judges. They get honorariums for their time and effort. So, you pay an entry fee. This does not guarantee an award, so understand this up front. Some awards can be up to $80 per book, per category. So, select carefully and spend your entry money wisely. Here’s your list.

I don’t know if sales will increase as a result (there is evidence that sales do), but if you haven’t read Paper Bones, click on my Books tab (see the left column) and click on Paper Bones. It will take you to a place where you can get your copy in ebook, hardback or softback. My thanks for any support.

I need to add a special thank you to Mary Deal who wrote the Foreword to Paper Bones.  She told me years ago that I needed to publish and believed in me. An award-winning, multi-book, multi-genre author, Mary carries weight when she speaks. I listened. Boy, I’m glad now that I did. I remain humbled by her faith in me, as I do from others who have stood by me for many years (my sister, my best friend and my husband to name the keys).

So, Paper Bones wins Gold! I’m going to play the National Anthem now and quietly appreciate my Olympic moment. Thanks everyone!

News with Thanks

I want to begin with Thanks.

The Goodreads Giveaway was a success and I thank all 630 people who entered! I am humbled by so many interested parties. The winners were chosen and are from Florida, Texas and Minnesota. I’m mailing your books on Saturday!

The other great part about the giveaway is that I gained a lot of folks who added me to their “to read” list – over 250! That’s just amazing.

Overall, the giveaway experience was wonderful. I plan to add my name to others’ giveaways and see if I can’t win an autographed book or two myself!


Now, the News!

I found out Monday that Paper Bones is a 2014 Readers’ Favorite International Book Award Finalist! Out of 1900 books of poetry, I am one of only 6 finalists! That’s just fantastic!

From the finalists, winners will be judged, based on possible scores. They give out gold/silver/bronze and honorable mentions. It all depends on the overall score I receive whether I win a medal or not. But I’m honored to have done so well!

I hear tell that there is a HUGE award ceremony in Miami in November that coincides with the big Miami International Book Fair. I’m told that Finalists are recognized, so no matter what happens, I plan on going. I just can’t believe it.

So there you go. Its a good day all around! Here’s the sticker for the Finalists!

Readers' Favorite Int'l Book Award Finalist

Finally, just a bit of business. My Author’s facebook url has changed. Having both my timeline and my page be the same name was confusing. So you can reach me at my author page:

Don’t forget I’m on Goodreads, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn too!


I haven’t forgotten my promise to you. Changes ARE coming. Soon now. I don’t want to move the furniture until I’m absolutely certain. You can sign up for notices and then you won’t miss out when it happens.

Thank you for your support!

Time for something new

I confess.  I’m one of these people who once the furniture is set in the living room is content to leave it untouched until I die. For the most part. I may add or remove a bookcase, change out a chair when replaced by new or add a different lamp. Change curtains, surely. But the big stuff? Nah.

And then you move. That gives you a chance to change everything. People who come to visit you, those who’ve known you a while, exclaim “oh look what you’ve done!” Mostly shock speaking, of course, given that they’ve never seen your things in any other pattern than the previous one. Stop laughing!

Okay, I don’t know if this makes me a careful planner, set in my ways, rigid and anal, or simply less worried about change than other folks — but I do feel now is a time to think about change and change the furniture.

I dislike Summer. No. That’s a lie. I truly despise Summer. I loved it when I was a kid, naturally. Bikes and roller skates and pogo sticks! Long, lazy days in the grass guessing cloud shapes, waiting for the ice cream truck. Ah, summer. Well thank you global warming. Now it is let-me-get-my-errands-done-before-10am-0r-melt days. I’ve never fared well in the heat. I burn so fast you can literally see it happen. I’m allergic to grass seed. The point is that during this time of the grass cutting heat wave called Summer, I am concentrating on writing and I’m feeling like it is time to rearrange the furniture.

The web furniture, that is.

So fair warning travelers and friends!  This place is going to be changing. Not sure into what because I’m only now playing with the furniture. I need new curtains, a new nook and a reading corner. Feels weird to think of change, but I’m excited now. Expect the unexpected. Soon. This current place might even go offline while I change it. I’ll let you know when.

What else would a dark fantasy writer/poet tell you? Oh, I know!

Don’t look behind you!


Leave the lights on.


Something is coming between the lines….


Worse! (here is where you shiver a little with me)

What’s worse than something wicked? (Oh don’t sound so incredulous!)
